Thursday, June 9, 2011

My little house

I have a little house. (about 900 sq.ft)
I bought it in 1980. I was 24 and single.
It was pretty inexpensive and naturally, needed work. 
My little house sat (still sits) above/on a beautiful little lake, and I overlooked it's considerable cosmetic flaws because of it's location (short train ride into NYC) and because of an unmistakable sense of kinship with the little establishment. 
I wanted THIS to be my quiet, comfy home. 
I still do.

I married soon after and gave birth to my son and daughter within the next nine years.
Over time we have made renovations.(e.g Anderson windows in every room (including skylights), vinyl siding (outside), some sheet rock, paint, furniture changes,(inside) ..even a new deck and a new bathtub.) 

Throughout the past 15 years, however, my little house has fallen into some dis-repair.  Bouts of prolonged ill health,(boo) our 2 children attending and graduating college (yea!) and Life As It Goes, has resulted in drastically diminished funds. (and likewise, diminished Energy)
 But Hey! No Worries!  I bake and cook and clean and decorate around the needed repairs and clutter..And somehow in between the prayers and laughter, the celebrations and sorrows, the fussing and the shouting, (the dust and pets!) ..All is still well in this little house.

Inevitably, several of our beloved guests, friends and family alike have passed on over these years.
Most recently, my own Father. 
May God bless them all.
We all carry sweet memories in our hearts and minds which Time can never tarnish.
                      It is at these moments we realize the greatest joys
                           and saddest losses are Universal to mankind.
                                 We who will perish, salute Death..Life alone goes on...

And as deep as Sorrow carves tears into our hearts......
So too, are there many Delights in Life. !
Family, Friends, Food, Fun, FAITH and uhm......
(you dirty dog)

So, THANK YOU, my little house..For embracing all the days of our lives, for the past 31 years.....I knew so long ago you were the perfect little home for me .



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