Wednesday, June 8, 2011

To NOOK or not to NOOK (that is the question...)

This is really a private blog--No one knows I am writing it!
If it is meant to be read, someone will find me. If not, and only the angels see, so be it.

Some folks are athletes. Some are dancers,musicians or writers: butchers, bakers or candlestick makers...And although I also bake a lot and occasionally make candles...

I am a READER.
I can recall falling into the quiet touch and scent of a book's pages in Kindergarten (my Mom swears even younger) and I have never wanted to crawl out.

Not at all...Not for all the Tea in China..Not even Ultra Spice Chai....

My best friend Donna (who passed away at 48)  had once remarked this whole thing was invented specifically for me..(a nod to Al Gore) The UItimate Library at my beckoning call...So smart, that best friend...

Over the past half-century I have lovingly built an ever growing collection of my most cherished books. I have my Grandfather's 1937 set of The Complete Works of Dickens, and his copy of Dante's Inferno (in Italian)..He had beautiful editions of the classics....My beloved Poppy, a shoe-maker from Sicily who read Thoreau and sang in the chorus of the (old) Metropolitan Opera House in NYC. A true gentleman; faithfully and romantically married to my grandmother for 63 years; he could read, write speak and understand, Italian, Sicilian, Spanish and English...So BLESSED was I to call him "Grandpa" for 38 years, until his passing , when he was 90. A life well-read and well-lived!

I love to,love,love.....Yet, I am drawn to mostly a window of about 6 subjects. 

1) Art History
2) Early Civilizations, Religious/Sacred Scriptures (all religions) and their History 
3) Cooking/Baking 
4) Travel 
5) Classic Fiction and 
6) Spanish prose, novella, poetry.

Likewise, I thoroughly enjoy several Channels; Nat Geo, History International, PBS, Create, Travel, Food Network, you get the drift.....I also enjoy Hallmark and Style, so there....

As far as hobbies, my favorites are creating almost any Art and Crafts project, Photography, Cooking/Baking, Needlecraft, Walking, Gardening, Reading, Writing, Traveling (Low maintainence, please...)and Movies!  These are hobbies i actively enjoy, in one way or another, each day. 

One of my most cherished times of each day are when I silently pray and read passages (chapter/verse and surah/ayat)  from the Torah, Christian Bible and Al Qur'an .

Truth is truth no matter the language or culture.

[And although I am so moved by many mediums of Art and Music, I am neither an artist nor musician!]  Ultimately, I am an "appreciator" of all the beauty in Life..NO matter where it is found. La vita e' bella!


 A little town in France
I love my cats

And now, to answer my original question....
To NOOK or not to NOOK....
Answer.....Not today....
But I am forever keeping all my options open!
See you next time,


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