Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Alone again, (happily) naturally!

I love my "alone"time.
I am alone for the hours I sleep in my cozy bed during these long winter nights (unless you count a cat or 2)
I am usually alone in the hours before work, now that the girls have once again flown the nest. (My son works early)
And, I even relish either the Saturday or Sunday (but not both) that I am alone with aforementioned cats. One day each weekend I am with my Mom, kids, extended family or best friend. Perfect.
So, I don't mind. It's my choice, in fact. My preference.
I realized that the activities I enjoy are quiet ones..most that need some concentration or quiet... praying, gardening, reading, writing, research /prep for my job, embroidery, photography, walking, cooking, baking, crafting, traveling, appreciating art and music, even cleaning the house, grocery shopping, laundry, etc. All mostly alone!
Yet, not many would see me as "anti-social"....because...

As serendipity would have it, my job is TOTALLY busy, active, (non-stop) public, fun and LOUD.
I am a Site Director (Teacher/Director) of a large (60+ child) after-school program, along with 7 ladies who are my teacher aides. I am entirely immersed with this for about 5 hours each school day.
And I couldn't love it more. It is a perfectly balanced life for me...Because I do LOVE and need the sound and activity of children around me very much..very happy and life-affirming...lots of giggles and smiles, creativity, messy hugs.... and non-stop curious questions and comments! Glue stick heaven!

Just wanted to stop by today...and let you know..
And as I sit overlooking the half-frozen lake outside my window, with the ocassional squirrel and bird on my deck, who look right into my eyes to say Good Morning,old lady!~~~ and the exquisite aroma of bread baking in my oven...Life is good..Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Have a blessed day...Simple is best!