Sunday, August 7, 2011


I am tired.

This year has been, in some ways, relaxing and rejuvenating. Well, from June 2010 through the Holidays was an excellent time for me, anyway....

The weather between late summer and Christmas time has always been my favourite and although I could wish it to be that way all year, well, it wouldn't be as special as it feels when mid-August does arrive...I do love it so much and even after 56 years, I relish this time of year, every year.
[Counting one's blessings is so makes all the difference in attitude and outlook and peace of heart, body, soul and mind.]
                                    Still, I am exhausted,....

In February my father got sick, was hospitalized, and remained there until his return to Heaven on April 10, 2011.
And over the past four months we have all drawn together and sometimes pulled away a bit, Life goes on...
Nonno's 5 amazing, busy grandchildren do help us focus on LIFE!

Last Wednesday, I embarked upon what was initially going to be a 4 day mini-vacay for me...Pet-sitting 3 of my most favourite doggies and one of my most favourite cats. The setting was my brother's very nice home, on 2 serene manicured acres....about an hour from my house, and I was looking forward to the change of scenery and doggy companionship. (I brought 4 books, my yoga mat and DVD, hand weights, nuts and seeds..I was excited!)

Instead...! My husband took sick, and we had to make 2 trips to the ER (he has a fractured rib and pneumionia (don't ask...). He is having pain----and not able right now to be alone for too long (he needs help getting around), so each day I drove to my canine friends, fed, watered, played, walked and generally had a FUN time enjoying their innocent antics, for a brief couple of hours~~ to drive back home to check on my pained-and-none-to happy patient...It's OK...Hubs is slowly mending..and my job was ful-filled, even if not in the anticipated manner....Ah, LIFE!


At August 11, 2011 at 7:21 PM , Blogger Laura said...

come over!!!! Seriously...this is stupid. You need to come over.
Or better yet...let's just meet at Anthony's...way nicer house!

hang in there...


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