Monday, February 27, 2012

Brand New Day

Hi again...

I haven't written for almost 4 months, so here goes a short post, just to catch up on Life.
We are all getting along pretty well.
My son is finishing college and he earned a 3.8 last semester; He also works 25 hours a week!
My daughter works full time and is also doing well....Making plans for her next adventure.
I am so proud of their strength, compassion, humour, perspective in Life and most importantly, their grounded sense of family and faith.

I am also working and enjoy my job so much. I am keeping in touch with close friends and family, feathering my nest, cooking, baking and enjoying my hobbies. Considering the circumstances of 2011, All is well..

We had a mild winter, weather-wise, and with SPRING around the corner I am contentedly looking forward to cleaning up the yard, planting flowers in the front and side yards, and creating my annual herb [patio and deck] gardens.....Gardening always rejuvenates the senses and soul! ...So very therapeutic and creative and life affirming.....

The simplest joys in life are the best...Babies...Gardening, Praying, Cooking [a good meal for family and friends], Walking, Sewing, Reading, Writing, Napping, Movies, Art and.... Baking Bread!
Nothing more awesome than kneading , watching the rise and ultimatley baking a beautiful loaf of bread to share and enjoy.  

The more things change, the more they stay the same! Praise God.